mission > reflect in a four photography series the meaning of “Identity”.
solution > one’s bedroom is like a fingerprint, there aren’t two alike. Because of this, I wanted to portray four people inside their bedroom, which reflects not only of their identity but also their personality.
mission >represent in a four photography series the meaning of “Lo cotiano”, the everyday life.
solution >mental illnesses are something with which a lot of people deal daily, because of that I decided to photograph some of those who suffer bipolarity, depression, anorexia or claustrophobia, showcasing what these illnesses make them feel.
mission > create a series of photographs using artificial lighting and different colour backgrounds.
mission > create a four photography series using artificial lighting and transparencies.
solution > to reflect today's main problem, climate change, I decided to mix the two main parts of the environment that are suffering the most. How to keep nature alive as long as possible? Ice turned out to be the best option as it kept the flowers alive and represented how fast the poles are melting down.
Pairing pairs
mission > create a series of photographs with a white background inside a photography studio.